Monday, October 24, 2011

It's gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiney day...

Someday, anyway. Just not today. But that's okay with me. I'm staying the course anyway, because I do *not* want to let myself down again. And I can't let my family down again. They have put up with me more times than they should have.

I have post it note reminders on my laptop and on the kitchen cabinets that say "NO BINGING!" because honestly a little toast and jelly binge (or a Stacey's Simply Naked Pita Chip binge if I'm ever weak-willed enough to buy them again) all I need to get me off track. Mad at myself, slumped and lethargic. Still not sure if it's carb overload or actual self-guilt that causes the lethargy, but either way, it's a killer.

So with that in mind, even though it's cold--and even though it's been raining--and even though I can only walk, and not run (due to a pathetic knee)...I'm off to walk with Bea in a stroller. She thinks she's too big at age 4 but she'll be just fine. And she's taking her baby, Lily of the Valley, to keep her company.


So we just got back from our walk and guess what? The sun came out. Bright and clear, shining through all the red and gold and green leaves along our walk. Just beautiful. Thankful for the sun.

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